Pragya Thakur

Patent Consultant

Pragya Thakur is a registered patent agent having a Master’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences. She also has a law degree. Prior to her current practice as a patent associate, she worked for 8 years as a research scientist and handled regulatory affairs with the Central Drug Regulatory Authority of India. 

Pragya has extensive experience in contentious and non-contentious aspects of patent prosecution and enforcement including:

  • conducting and analysing patent searches, providing opinions on non-infringement, patentability, invalidity, freedom-to-operate etc.

  • drafting patent specifications, filing and prosecuting national and international (PCT) applications in diverse fields of technology including pharmaceuticals, new molecule synthesis, process chemistry, zeolites, medical devices, polymer technology, locomotive communication, braking systems and automated vehicle systems. She regularly appears before the Indian Patent Office for oral hearings in connection with patent prosecution and other related matters.

  • conducting opposition proceedings and attending hearings before the Indian Patent Office.

  • drafting and filing patent infringement suits, statements of defence, counter-claims, revocation etc. She often works with subject matter experts in various fields in order to prepare expert affidavits and testimony.

Pragya also has substantial expertise in obtaining industrial design registrations and handling cancellation proceedings in respect thereof before the Indian Patent Office.

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